Our Corporate Values and Direction Statement

At Basically Babies our Direction Statement is as follows:

“Our role is to advance and protect the welfare of infants born into families in extreme need through the provision of a beautiful gift of a gender-specific, cost-effective, baby wardrobe containing a one year supply of baby clothing and accessories.  Our desire is to communicate value, dignity and hope to the recipient families while providing opportunities for committed volunteers to serve our fellow community members.”

Basically Babies has developed the following key values that provide both the foundation and the framework to guide our strategic planning, our business planning, our decision-making and our treatment of all people:  volunteers, staff, recipients, recipient organizations or others we connect with in our activities.  These key values are:

  • Honesty We believe that honesty is of utmost importance in all of our activities as individuals and as a charitable entity.
  • Integrity We believe that we must always demonstrate integrity in all of our conduct and in dealing with our clients and our own personnel.
  • Excellence  We believe that we must go above and beyond the expected to deliver a level of excellence in our work that is unsurpassed.
  • Accountability We believe that we must ensure full, authentic and factual accountability to our constituents to ensure funds are raised, accounted for and spent according to clear and specific formal strategic plans that include balanced budgets.
  • Human Dignity We believe that we must actively demonstrate the worth and value of human dignity to each and every person we come in contact with including clients, recipient organizations, staff, volunteers and business contacts.